“If you do what you love you’ll never work a day in your life” – Marc Anthony
SEEK released results that more than 1/3 of people are unhappy in their role. At Mondo Search, we have been operating for 24 years in recruitment and our research says that this statistic is conservative, sadly we believe more than 60% of people are unhappy in their roles. Converge International recently stated that 66% of Australian workers are unhappy in their role.
Why are people working in roles that they’re not happy in?
- People are afraid of change
- People are fearful of the future
- Society expectations
- Financial security more than – ABS in 2016 74% of households in Australia held debt, averaging $168 000. Credit card debt held by 55% of households
How do you find a role that you enjoy?
There are five key motivators in a role
1) The leadership 2) The workplace offerings and culture
3) The career challenge & stretch 4) The Learnings and
5) Financial Reward
Look at these 5 motivators when considering employment.
Think about what are your best skills where and when you were most happy? There are many online tests to look at your commercial strengths such as the strengthsfinder by Marcus Buckingham. Understand that some of your worst jobs can help you build resilience, often it is not until you hit rock bottom that you will make change.
Start to future proof your career – build a long-term engaging network from school or University, to past and present work colleagues. When people like to help others and when they do it is a known fact that happy hormones /endorphins are released.
Reach out to people who you think may be able to provide you with ideas and brainstorm what your strengths and passions are.
Build your bag of Tricks! Start to collate your bag of strengths and skills and consider new learnings that will contribute to your career success. There are many examples of people looking outside the box and finding commercial joy in new vocations. The hospitality industry is looking at ex-servicemen with their skills in discipline in operations, great sales negotiators could consider commercial mediator roles.
Also think about a “portfolio career” – do a few contracts at once and vary the roles. Many organisations now prefer to hire contractors for a few different functions.
So think about what makes you happy and go for it! We spend so much time now in our lives working so make sure you enjoy what you’re doing!!