Simone Allan established Mondo Search in 1998, recognising a need to bring new talent to the ever growing and exciting global consumer sector. Mondo Search has thrived through an ever changing employment environment to be one of the longest standing, female led executive recruitment consultancies in Australia.
Mondo Search has successfully placed over 2800 executives in its 26 year history, with a wonderful sustainability rate of the placements made. With a database of 56 000, we have an incredible alumni of individuals, adding unmeasurable value to every placement we make.
Mondo Search knows how to find the best talent in Australia. Good people know other good people.
Matching best hidden talent to maximise organisational effectiveness and rewarding careers.
Making business easier and maximising careers through matching best hidden talent.
We believe in what we do. We make a difference by Connecting Calibre and creating value in organisations and the careers of their people.
Deep Curiosity is what determines finding the best hidden talent and matching well.
Be not afraid to say what you are not afraid to think!
Trust and Transparency is the key to great relationships and respect is the outcome
Happy team = happy workplace and a consistent professional service
Quality Experience:
Terrific teamwork, audited systems and a business that thinks long term