How Sport Smartens your Staff Morale

It’s no secret that Aussies love their sport…. in fact many would say it as big a time waster in the workplace as the water cooler!  With the winter olympics in full swing, we have noticed it’s the talk of the office at the moment, helping to improve communication in a team environment when so often offices today are like libraries, with everyone on sms and email

Sport talk in the workplace can help build team. It is something that people actually have in common to talk about , no matter what walk of life, age or stage. 

Office Winter Olympic company themed team sweeps and footy tipping competitions are just two of many sporting team building concepts. At Mondo we are an Aussie Executive Search company that connects calibre. Placed 2700 business leaders in 20 years across Australasia- we know why people stay or leave an organisation.

One of the most imperative reasons people stay with their employer is the importance of having a good workplace environment. As a business leader, you need to make sure you check in regularly with the type of environment. Retaining good staff is invaluable for the success of an organisation. Always think of sport to cross all barriers with your people.